Symposium & General Assembly SGM 2020
The annual symposium followed by the general assembly of the Swiss Society for Meteorology (SSM) was held on Friday, 27 November, 13:30 - 18:00.
This event was held online via the video-conferencing software Zoom. The symposium offered an exciting variety of presentations. Katharina Schroeer from MeteoSwiss gave an insight into the hail climatology of Switzerland, Marius Zumwald from ETH Zurich presented his work on mapping urban temperatures, and Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera from University of Bern provided us an overview on the projected impact of climate change on human health.
13:30 - 13:40 Welcome
13:40 - 14:10 Katharina Schroeer (MeteoSchweiz), Hail climatology Switzerland – From small-scale extreme to long-term hazard
14:10 - 15:15 Virtual table talks (pdf, 3.1 MB)
15:15 - 15:30 Short break
15:30 - 16:00 Marius Zumwald (ETHZ), Mapping urban temperature using crowd-sensing data and machine learning
16:00 - 16:30 Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera (University of Bern), Temperature and health: current and future challenges of a changing population in a changing climate (download presentation, 12.1 MB)
16:30 - 16:45 SwissMeteoPhoto Contest
16:45 - 16:50 Symposium closure
17:00 - 18:00 General assembly of the Swiss Society for Meteorology
SwissMeteoPhoto Contest 2020
Winner of this year's photo contest is Philippe Gyarmati, followed by Julien Anet and Martin Aregger on the second and third place. Congratulations!
Swiss Society for Meteorology (SSM)
c/o Dr. Christina Schnadt
ETH Zürich
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich